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Major Upgrades to Smart Patterns
Cornerstone is undertaking an extensive campaign to expand and improve the power of "smart pattern" components. Starting with the first release of 8.5, many significant enhancements have been made. So far we have made it easier to place them, easier to organize your library, and given you better tools to manage your jobs.  Expect more improvements soon.
XMD 8.5 R3 Available For Download
The new release of XMD continues with a series of major enhancements started with R1, and fixes a number of bugs as well.  Major enhancements include numerous improvements to smart patterns, and a newly available 21 day trial license.  
A few of the many bugs we fixed:
•    Bottom clamp plate (and others) no longer disappears.
•    Fix bug which caused extra components to show up at 0.0.
•    XMD Config, LicenseManager, and Migrate should now work on all computers.
•    Hotkeys are working again.
Read more, and download the latest here:

XMD-S 9.0: Starting a Revolution
We are very excited about this major upgrade. There is much more in it than we could possibly share in a short newsletter article, so we will just share a few highlights. Most important, XMD-S 9.0 delivers fully integrated free-form solid modeling. What will this do for you?
Warning: Your XMD may stop working
A very serious problem has come to our attention: Some of the HASP keys are dying. If yours dies, older versions of XMD just stop working. The program will load okay, but you press any button and XMD just doesn't react. Newer versions of XMD behave better, and will tell you your HASP key is broken.

If this happens to you, PLEASE CALL us. We will freely exchange broken SIMs of all current customers with a new model. If your maintenance has expired, that's okay; we will replace yours with a working SIM, at cost.
News / Information Links
MoldMaking Expo is now PDx/amerimold.
Taking place in Cincinnati this year, May 11-13, Cornerstone will be there alongside CAMM, in Booth #330. For more about the show:
Getting into the Medical Mold Business
This nice article tells what it takes to succeed in this niche market segment.
Cool videos for learning the terminology of molds.
Steinwall, a Minneapolis based injection molder, has produced a great introduction to molds and its terminology. Check it out:
Tips and Tricks Vol. 1
Karl Braun, of Superior Tool and Mold sends us our first Tip and Trick:

The Easy Way to Show Lifters and Slides In Their Retracted Positions
• Use your 3D geometry and copy it to a sublevel of the component that you are retracting. Move it into the retracted position.
• Assign the new level to the necessary Plan View and keep it undislayed. (Use the XMD Level Manager for this.)
• When you create new sections, the retracted components will magically appear in their retracted positions.

KeyCreator News
We came across this article about the latest KeyCreator, V9. This article was written by a KeyCreator user. He has a lot of good things to say about KeyCreator. Wireframe, Surfacing, solids and automatic 2D at an extremely reasonable price, without any surprise Add On charges. What you see is what you get.
Click here to read the article
XMD 9 Webinar
We are planning a webinar for XMD-S. When: Tuesday April 13 @ 12.00 EDT. This webinar will update our current users about our new version and will show the rest of the world exactly what they are missing out on. This will be a quick 1/2 hour feature based webinar.
 Please join us by signing up Here.
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In This Issue...

XMD 8.5 Release 3 is available for download

XMD Now Available As A Trial Version

XMD-S 9.0: Starting a Revolution

Tips And Tricks

News/Info Links

Comic Relief

KeyCreator News

XMD-S 9.0 Live Webinar

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