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VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 | MAY 2011
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Speed and Accuracy
To design quickly and accurately, you need proper tools and support. Cornerstone is dedicated to creating smarter software, saving you time through automation. And because accuracy is critical, our smart tools let you easily manage the results.

XMD-S automatic holes are better than ever. To maximize accuracy, we provide you tools to manage how they are generated, and to change them as necessary. Result: quality models you can quickly send to machining. (To learn more about managing holes, see this month’s Tip & Trick – Hole Management in XMD-S.)

Automatic drawings are also greatly improved. We don’t simply cut sections, we let you manage which details you want to include, and update the drawings accordingly. Result: clean and clear documentation of your mold, fast. (To read more about these improvements, see the article “Newly Improved: Plate Drawing” below).

To help you succeed, we’ve made service integral to our business. From responding quickly to any issues you raise, to putting our full efforts into providing quality solutions – whatever it takes to keep you designing quickly and accurately – we are here to serve. We are currently taking steps to strengthen this commitment to you. Look for exciting announcements in the very near future.
Kubotek Strengthens its Commitment to Customers
We are very excited about a new era in KeyCreator software sales and support. Kubotek has taken a huge step forward in its commitment to their customers by moving to a direct sales model. This means that instead of having to buy KeyCreator from a reseller in Detroit or Toronto you can now purchase directly from the manufacturer.

For you, this means better access to pre- and post- sales support.
For Kubotek this means better access to customer data, feedback and insights.
For XMD this means Cornerstone now has an open market for promoting XMD-S.

As we continue to sell our product, XMD-S customers can continue to experience the first-class support you have always gotten.

[ To read more on how this affects you click here ]
Tip & Trick - Hole Management in XMD-S
XMD-S automatically designs holes for you, saving designers lots of time. Whenever a component is added to the mold, holes are automatically drilled into the mold plates according to the component.  (XMD has done this for over 10 years, yet XMD-S greatly improves on previous XMD versions.)  But what if you don't like what XMD-S produced?  Well, you still have control. 

Continue reading:
Five ways you can manage the hole design XMD-S gives you automatically.

Newly Improved: Plate Drawing
When it comes to drafting, what's important is communicating efficiently with customers and machinists the important features in your mold.  We have always been meticulous about making quality drawings because they can be so much more useful when they are done well.   Most solid modellers don't take this into account, but we felt we had to, because it's important to our customers, and because doing things right is a core value to our company.  So before we released XMD-S to the broader public, we worked hard to create high quality, fully customizable drawings.

Continue reading:
XMD-S Drawing Improvements
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Speed and Accuracy

Kubotek Strengthens its Commitment to Customers

Tip & Trick - Hole Management in XMD-S

Newly Improved: Plate Drawing
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Cornerstone Intelligent Software Inc.
5345 Outer Drive Unit #2
Windsor, ON Canada
N9A 6J3

Tel: 519 737-7474
Fax: 519 737-0285

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