Upcoming XMD-S Webinar

In the mold making business, time is a critical factor in any company’s success. That’s why you’re alert to opportunities to improve your efficiency. You’ve heard about the new Expert Mold Designer -S and its claims to reduce your design time through powerful automation, streamlined design tools, and direct model editing. But how does it reduce design time, and will it work for you?

Find out this Friday in a live webinar! On Friday December 2, watch as Synergetic, a top-notch mold design firm, demonstrates how they use the new solids-based Expert Mold Designer to accelerate their design process, and output job data faster than ever to their customers.

After that, if you’re hungry for more specifics, we can arrange an extended one-on-one presentation to show you exactly how XMD-S can be used to design your molds with your parts.

UPDATE: This presentation has passed, but was a big success! If you want to see a future presentation, you can still sign up below.

If you’ve never seen XMD-S live, in action, now is your chance. Sign up today for a quick presentation, followed by an open question period.

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